Summer Hockey = Frustrated Parent


Both my kids and myself play hockey in the summer. I like it, as I am old and don't get out much. My kids like it because they want to remain friends with teammates and enjoy playing. Each child and parent can get out of it what they want.. Here in MN, summer hockey is a norm for people who (Yes, they are in order)...

The real reason first.

- Quietly enable their child to get ahead of others (Yes, you know who you are)
- Stay connected with your teammates (Though there is no guarantee you play with your friends)
- Have something to do in the summer
- Stay on the ice and cool off on those 90+ days
- Fun

However, in the new age of sports, off-season activities are sometimes a requirement unless you are a true athlete, someone who can excel at any physical activity. By definition, "a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise", means you can move where and how you need to. I truly believe that like myself who played multi-sports, I am not particularly great at any one thing, if you put a tennis racket in my hand, I bet I could figure it out in 15 minutes and make a game of it.

If your kid is forcing themselves to play, someone who truly isn't an athlete, who is playing because of a friend or parent, you may be able to go far with true effort. However, I feel it's those times when they show that extraordinary ability to surprise you as a coach, parent or adult is the time where you can truly see what an athlete is and how as a kid they are thinking outside the box and doing what they can to get ahead.

This isn't always true, all humans have their own reasons and drivers towards their own goals. Any kid can be a surprise, within 30 seconds or if lucky, 10 years. I believe all kids have the ability, it's about the effort within is when you really see the glimmer of extraordinary.
To follow up on my rant, I put together available options for summer hockey, for girls, in the Minneapolis / St Paul area. Check my other post for info.

Summer Hockey = Not as Frustrated a Parent

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